Describe an art exhibition that you visited IELTS Speaking Cue Card

In this lesson from simply IELTS, you will know how to Describe an art exhibition that you visited band 9 IELTS Speaking Cue Card part 2 and part 3 follow up questions.
Describe an art exhibition that you visited IELTS Cue Card
You should say
- when you saw this exhibition?
- where the exhibition was held?
- what was on display?
- and explain your impression of the exhibition?
Band 9 Model Answer to Describe an art exhibition that you visited IELTS Cue Card
- At the point when I was pretty much nothing, I went to a historical center close to my old neighborhood to see an artistic creations display.
- It was an uncommon one-time presentation to celebrate the battle of Indian political dissidents.
- There were compositions from a wide range of specialists including some world-renowned ones like Rabindranath Tagore, Raja Ravi Verma, and M.F Hussain.
- Be that as it may, every one of the artistic creations were on the existence of Indian political dissidents.
- A portion of the works of art showed them with their families before they became engaged with the opportunity battle and a few compositions portrayed them effectively challenging the British.
- I think this was deliberately done to feature the penances that the political dissidents made for India’s autonomy.
- Alongside each painting, there were marks in Hindi and English depicting the setting of the artistic creations.
- At the point when my folks enlightened me regarding the presentation, I wasn’t intrigued, and I felt that I would get truly exhausted.
- However, subsequent to visiting, I expressed gratitude toward my folks for taking me there.
- One of the artworks, the hanging of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev lastingly affected me.
- I had found out with regards to this episode in my set of experiences reading material, yet I didn’t realize that every one of them were so youthful when they made this extreme penance.
- Also, I think finding out with regards to something in history books can never measure up to the genuine encounter of seeing it in painted structure.
- I came out with a newly discovered appreciation for India’s opportunity and individuals who made it conceivable.
Speaking Part 3 Follow-Up Questions to Describe an art exhibition that you visited
- Do you like craftsmanship?
Indeed, I like craftsmanship. Craftsmanship offers significance to life. Craftsmanship is the thing that separates us from creatures. I like a wide range of workmanship. I like drawing and painting. I additionally like performing expressions like music and dance. - Do you think craftsmanship classes are fundamental? {Why?)
Indeed, I think craftsmanship classes are extremely important. Workmanship draws out individuals’ innovativeness. Workmanship safeguards our way of life and customs. - How do you think workmanship classes influence kids’ turn of events?
Workmanship classes influence kids’ improvement from various perspectives. Workmanship draws out the secret inventiveness of youngsters. Craftsmanship is a type of correspondence. Individuals can pass on their sentiments through craftsmanship, as through their works of art or through their melodies. - What sort of works of art do Indian individuals like?
Indian individuals like various types of works of art. It involves individual decision. Certain individuals like pictures, some like canvases of scenes, some like the conventional types of painting and some like the advanced works of art. - What would you be able to gain from western compositions?
We can take in numerous things from western artistic creations, truth be told from any type of workmanship from anyplace. Now and then it is identified with a culture, here and there it possibly somebody’s appearance of their viewpoint, now and then it’s a social message and we can likewise find out with regards to the sorts of (material, paints, and so forth) used to make that masterpiece. - What advantages would you be able to get from painting as a leisure activity?
Painting as a leisure activity can draw out our secret ability. Painting can loosen up us. On the off chance that we have the ability, we can even sell our works of art and bring in cash. We can likewise gift compositions
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