Frequently asked questions on IELTS Speaking section

In this lesson of IELTS Speaking Course, simply IELTS will answer the most frequently asked questions on IELTS Speaking section.
Frequently asked questions on IELTS Speaking section
1. Do IELTS Speaking questions repeat on the same day?
Hardly. No two students get the same questions on the same day. IELTS examiners may repeat the general subject on which questions are asked, but they will always rephrase them or twist them in such a way that no student gets an undue advantage.
2. If I don’t understand a question, can I ask the examiner to repeat it?
Well, when I asked this question to the Cambridge examiner, he gave me an interesting answer.
He said students should not ask the examiner to repeat the question as it is.
You want the examiner to repeat the question for either of the two reasons. Either you did not understand the question, or you did not pay attention.
Now, if you did not understand the question, repeating it is not going to help anyway. And, if you were not paying attention, it’s your loss. So, there is no point in asking to repeat the question.
Also, if you haven’t understood the question, it means you may have found a word or phrase in that question difficult. If that is the case, you may ask for an explanation of the word or phrase.
For example, you are asked, do you often procrastinate your homework? And if you don’t know the word procrastinate, then you may ask for its meaning rather than asking the examiner to repeat the whole question.
3. Can I retake the IELTS Speaking test only?
Unfortunately, you may not retake the speaking test on IELTS exclusively. Each time you will have to appear for all four sections on IELTS: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
4. What is a good score on IELTS Speaking?
What one may call a good score on IELTS Speaking may depend on the purpose of the IELTS test. You may consider the following scenarios.
IELTS Academic
IELTS Speaking score for USA and Canada
If you wish to apply to average American or Candian colleges, your Speaking test scores should be at least 6 bands. However, if you are applying to prestigious universities such as the University of Toronto or MIT, then you must score 7 bands or more on IELTS.
IELTS Speaking score for the UK, Europe and Australia
If you want to apply to universities in the UK, Europe and Australia, you must secure 6.5 bands at the least on IELTS Speaking interview.
IELTS General Training
Now, if you are planning to immigrate to Canada or Australia, you must aim for at least 7 bands on IELTS Speaking.
5. What do they check on IELTS Speaking?
According to the IELTS evaluation criteria on Speaking, IELTS examiner tests you on four essential skills.
Fluency and Coherence
Fluency is your ability to put your ideas into words without any hesitation. Also, coherence is the ability to put thoughts in a logical order.
In simple words, if you can answer the given questions satisfactorily without stumbling, you may score well on the criterion.
Lexical Resource
It merely means that you can use a variety of words and phrases precisely. So, in a way, if you can express yourself in words that otherwise native speakers may use, you can excel on this criterion.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
It is evident that your sentence structures must be flawless. At the same time, you must use a variety of sentence structures accurately just like the native speaker.
You must have understandable and acceptable pronunciations. They should not be influenced by your mother tongue. Also, don’t worry about your native accent.
Let’s continue another set of frequently asked questions on IELTS Speaking section.
6. Do they check for body language or eye contact on the IELTS Speaking test?
According to IELTS Evaluation Criteria for the public, Cambridge doesn’t mention anything about body language or eye contact. So, it is reasonable to assume that these two things don’t matter much.
However, from experience, I can say that candidates with awkward body language or lack of eye contact may lose some bands. Now, I know many of you may object. But, it is possible that if the student doesn’t look at the examiner at all, they may think that the test-taker lacks confidence. And, may indirectly allot slightly lesser bands.
In conclusion, as long as you don’t come out as awkward, you are good.
7. Can I use my hands while speaking on IELTS Speaking interview?
Absolutely. Hand gestures are part of body language. Many students can not communicate effectively if they stop them. So, if you use them often, employ them on IELTS Speaking interviews as well. Just ensure that your hand gestures are not awkward or distracting.
8. Can I recheck or re-evaluate the scores on IELTS Speaking?
You can request a remark within 6 weeks of the IELTS test date on your Test Report Form. You can ask for rechecking for the whole IELTS test or for one or more parts (Reading, Writing, Listening or Speaking). Your reviewed results will be available within 2 to 21 days of applying for a remark.
9. What if I miss my IELTS Speaking test?
If you miss the speaking test on your IELTS or for that matter any other section on IELTS, you will score 0 (zero) bands on that section. Effectively, that particular attempt is considered invalid and you will have to reappear for the test.
10. Why is the IELTS Speaking test recorded?
Well, the IELTS speaking test is recorded to maintain the quality of the testing standards. IELTS doesn’t want to be biased to any student, and so they do keep these recordings. They are accessed in the following circumstances.
- Suppose the difference between your scores in any two sections is greater than 2 bands, Cambridge by default rechecks your scores. For example, if you score 9 bands on reading but only 6 bands on Speaking, all your sections are re-evaluated. In such cases, the recording of your IELTS Speaking test comes handy.
- If you request the IELTS to re-evaluate your scores, Cambridge by default refers to your performance in this recorded test.
11. Can I use idioms on IELTS Speaking?
Yes and no.
Yes, you can use them if you already use them in daily life. Also, you must know which idioms are too informal, and you should avoid using them.
No, don’t use them if you don’t know many idioms. Don’t plan to learn them a night before the exam. You may misuse them and lose marks unnecessarily.
12. What are the common topics on the IELTS Speaking test?
Well, there is a list of topics that are asked usually asked on the IELTS Speaking test. However, nobody can guarantee that you may get questions exactly from these questions.
Also, we have created not only the list of the common topics but also some list of some commonly asked questions and answers. You may click on a topic to read them.
- Accommodation and Housing
- Behaviour, Patience and Politeness
- Computers, Internet and Technology
- Friends
- Family
- Festivals, Celebrations and Gifts
- Food
- Hometown
- Lifestyle, Activities and holidays
- Movies and Celebrities
- Music
- Newspapers and Magazines
- Reading
- School and Education
- Sports
- Travel
- TV and Advertisements
- Weather
- Work, Office, companies and businesses
- Noise
- Colours
- Clothes
- Photos
- Arts
- Money
- Writing
- Communication
- Health and Exercise