In this lesson of the IELTS Reading course from Simply IELTS, you will know the IELTS General Reading Structure and what type of texts that may appear
IELTS General Reading structure
- The module contains 3 sections and 40 questions.
- Section 1 contains two or three short factual texts, one of which can be compound (consisting of 6-8 short texts related by topic, for example, hotel advertising). Topics relevant to everyday life in an English-speaking country
- Section 2 contains two short factual texts on work-related issues (eg, job application, company policy, pay and working conditions, workplace, staff development and training).
- Section 3 contains one longer and more complex text on a topic of general interest.
- The texts are authentic and taken from advertisements, company directories, official documents, books, magazines and newspapers.
Sample text from IELTS General Reading test
Here are a sample text from previous IELTS test to show you the IELTS General reading structure to be familiar with it.
In the next lessons in this course, you will find more reading test samples and practice exams.
“The Earth”
(A) The Earth is the third planet from the Sun and it is the only planet known to have life on it. The Earth formed around 4.5 billion years ago. It is one of four rocky planets on the inside of the Solar System. The other three are Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
(B) The large mass of the Sun makes the Earth move around it, just as the mass of the Earth makes the Moon move around it. The Earth also turns round in space, so different parts face the Sun at different times. The Earth goes around the Sun once (one “year”) for every 365¼ times it turns all the way around (one “day”).
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