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IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic online Course

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  1. General Overview

    IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 overview
  2. How to write an introduction to IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic)?
  3. What is an overview of IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic and how to write it?
  4. How to Write Body Paragraphs on IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic)?
  5. Line Graph
    Line Graph Samples
    20 Exams
  6. Bar Charts
    Bar Chart Samples
    10 Exams
    Pie Chart Samples
    5 Exams
  8. Maps
    IELTS Writing Academic Task 1 Maps Samples
    7 Exams
  • Writing Correction

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Exam 24 of 42

Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 – Bar chart sample 4

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Bar Chart sample 4
IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 – Bar Chart sample 4

Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 -Bar chart sample 4

A new IELTS Academic writing task 1 exam asking to describe a bar chart.

You have to write at least 150 words within 20 minutes.

Start Your exam and write your answer in the comment section.

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