9 Band Secrets: Master IELTS Listening with Proven Tips

How to Get a 9 Band in IELTS Listening

How to Get a 9 Band in IELTS Listening? IELTS listening tips

How to Get a 9 Band in IELTS Listening
How to Get a 9 Band in IELTS Listening

The listening section of the IELTS exam can be challenging for many students. However, with the right approach and preparation, it is possible to achieve a high score of 9 out of 9. In this post from SimplyIELTS.com, we will discuss tips and tricks for acing the listening section of the IELTS exam.

Practice Makes Perfect

It’s no secret that practice is crucial for success on the IELTS listening section. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with the format and types of questions. However, it’s important to make sure that your practice is targeted and focused. Listening to English news programs, such as the BBC News, and watching English videos can help improve your listening skills.

Use the Audio Scripts

One key tip that many students and even tutors overlook is the use of audio scripts. These scripts, which can be found in the Cambridge books, provide the written dialogues for each listening test. By reading the audio script while listening to the test, you can better understand the accents and sounds that may have been difficult to understand during your first listen.

Listen Multiple Times

To get the most out of the audio scripts, it’s important to listen to the test multiple times. Listen to the test once with the audio script, and then listen to it again without the script. As you listen, make note of any words or phrases that you didn’t understand. Then, listen to the test again and focus on those specific words or phrases. Repeat this process until you feel confident that you understand everything.

Play, Pause, and Reverse

Another effective way to use the audio script is to play the test, pause it, and then reverse it. By pausing the test and reversing it, you can better understand the sounds and accents that were difficult to understand during your first listen. This approach can help you improve your understanding of English pronunciation, especially when it comes to American and British accents.

Take Timed Practice Tests

One way to simulate the actual test-taking experience and get a sense of how much time you need to spend on each question is by taking timed practice tests. This will also help you to pace yourself during the actual test, so that you don’t run out of time before finishing all the questions.

Recent IELTS Listening exams:

Develop Active Listening Skills

Active listening is the process of fully concentrating on the speaker in order to understand the message being conveyed. It involves paying attention to the words, the tone of voice, the nonverbal cues, and the context of the conversation. Developing active listening skills can help you better understand the dialogues in the listening section of the IELTS exam.

Get Familiar With the Format

The IELTS listening test is divided into four sections, each with a different format and types of questions. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the format of each section so that you know what to expect and can approach each section with confidence. For example, Section 1 is a conversation between two people, such as a phone call or a meeting, Section 2 is a monologue about an everyday social situation, Section 3 is a conversation between two or more people, and Section 4 is a lecture or talk.

Use Flashcards

Flashcards are a great tool for memorizing new vocabulary. Create flashcards for the new words and phrases you come across while practicing listening, and review them regularly. This will help you become more familiar with the vocabulary and increase your chances of understanding the dialogues in the listening test.

Get Feedback

Getting feedback on your performance can help you identify areas for improvement. Take a practice test and then have a native English speaker or an experienced IELTS teacher listen to your answers and provide feedback. This will help you identify any areas where you need to improve and make necessary adjustments to your study plan.


Achieving a 9 band in the IELTS listening section is possible with the right approach and preparation. By practicing regularly, using the audio scripts provided in the Cambridge books, and listening multiple times with the help of audio script, you can improve your understanding of English pronunciation, accents and sounds, and increase your chances of getting a high score. Remember to play, pause and reverse the audio to get a better understanding.

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