Another set of frequently asked questions related to IELTS exam with official answers as a part of “The complete guide to IELTS test course” from SimplyIELTS.
You will know how long does the IELTS test last, how many times can you take IELTS exam, what can you take with you to the IELTS exam and much more.
How long does the IELTS test last?
The Listening part is the same for IELTS General and IELTS Academic.
Duration: 40 minutes
30 minutes listening and answering the questions in the booklet,
10 minutes to copy the answers from the booklet into a special examination sheet
Reading part
60 minutes / 40 questions
3 parts: 3 texts from 650 to 1000 words
For IELTS General: texts shorter, but there are more of them, maybe 2 texts in the first part and 2 in the second. The third is always one big text.
Writing part MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS for IELTS General and IELTS Academic.
60 minutes / 2 tasks
Speaking part
11-14 minutes
3 parts
You and the Examiner
So, the total IELTS test time is 2 hours and 45 minutes
Can I take all modules in one day?
Listening, Reading and Writing are taken WITHOUT a break in non-stop mode. Usually starts at 10 am.
Speaking can be on the same day or 3 days BEFORE or 3 days AFTER the written part of the test.
The exact day of the speaking part depends on the examiners and the number of examiners. The center plans and gives each individual time for the speaking part. This can be discussed with the center.
If you are from another city, the center will make efforts so that you pass everything in one day.
Are there breaks between the listening, reading and writing parts?
No. Only a few minutes when they take forms and assignments from you and give out forms and assignments for the next part and give instructions on what to do.
How many times can I take IELTS?
You can take the test an unlimited number of times. There are no deadline restrictions. You can take and retake IELTS as often as you like.
How soon can I retake the exam?
There are no restrictions on the frequency of taking the IELTS exam. You can take IELTS as often as you like. At the same time, any subsequent certificate does not cancel the previous one.
Can I retake one part of the exam: listening, reading and writing?
No. You can only take the entire exam (all four modules).
What can you take with you to the IELTS exam?
All gadgets, iPhones and similar devices will be taken before the start of the exam. You will be given a pencil, a pen and an activity booklet where you make notes. You can go to the toilet, but you are wasting time. If you finished earlier, you still have to sit and wait for the end of the test. You can go with
– passport without cover
– bottle of water without label
No clock! You will be given a pen and a pencil with an eraser.
You leave your belongings with phones and outerwear in a room that is locked with a key or an employee of the center sits there and watches things.
If you are noticed with a foreign object – a watch or an iPhone or a camera, you will be removed from the hall and the money will NOT be returned.