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IELTS English speaking course - Simply IELTS

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  1. Introduction
    General Overview of IELTS Speaking Test
  2. Evaluation criteria to assess IELTS Speaking test
  3. Do’s and don’ts in IELTS Speaking
  4. Frequently asked questions on IELTS Speaking section
  5. Speaking Test – Part 1
    IELTS Speaking Part 1 format and general approach
  6. Tips for IELTS Speaking Part 1
  7. Speaking Test - Part 2
    A step by step guide to IELTS Speaking Part 2 or cue card
  8. IELTS Speaking Part 2 topics
    Describe your first day at school IELTS Cue Card
  9. Describe an aquatic animal IELTS Cue Card
  10. Describe a bag you want to own IELTS Cue Card
  11. Describe a time you got up early IELTS Cue Card
  12. Describe an art or craft activity IELTS Cue Card
  13. Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way IELTS Cue Card
  14. Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading IELTS Cue Card
  15. Describe a cafe you like to visit IELTS Cue Card
  16. Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study IELTS cue card
  17. Talk about an article which you have read about health IELTS Cue Card
  18. Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like
  19. Describe a time you bought something from a street or outdoor market
  20. Describe a time when you are waiting for something special that would happen
  21. Describe a place you visited on vacation IELTS Cue Card
  22. Describe a creative person whose work you admire
  23. Describe a difficult decision that you once made
  24. Describe a good service you received IELTS Cue Card
  25. Describe a famous athlete you know IELTS Cue Card
  26. Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop
  27. Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go on
  28. Describe a decision made by others/someone that you disagreed with
  29. Describe a businessman you admire
  30. Describe a town or city you would like to live in the future
  31. Describe an activity that you do after school/work
  32. Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting
  33. Describe a time when you tried to do something but weren’t very successful
  34. Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home
  35. Describe someone older than you whom you admire
  36. Describe an argument two of your friends had
  37. Describe a natural talent you want to improve
  38. Describe a law on environmental protection
  39. Describe a puzzle you have played IELTS Cue Card
  40. Describe a live sports match that you have watched
  41. Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone
  42. Describe a piece of local news that people are interested in
  43. Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media
  44. Describe an art or craft activity that you had at school
  45. Describe a company where you live that employs a lot of people
  46. Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in
  47. Describe a time when you helped a friend
  48. Describe a leisure activity near the sea that you want to try
  49. Describe a time when you shared something with others
  50. Describe your favorite movie IELTS Cue Card
  51. Describe your favorite singer
  52. Describe a time you made a promise to someone
  53. Describe an art exhibition that you visited
  54. Describe a time when you told your friend an important truth
  55. Describe a skill that you can teach other people
  56. Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination
  57. Describe a special hotel you stayed in
  58. Describe a film you watched IELTS Cue Card
  59. Describe a meeting in which you were speaker
  60. Describe a time when you had to walk barefoot
  61. Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in
  62. Describe a website you visit often IELTS Speaking Cue Card
  63. Talk about an own thing which would like to remove
  64. Describe an island you would like to visit
  65. Speaking Test - Part 3
    Tips to crack IELTS Speaking Part 3
  66. Actual Speaking Exams
    IELTS Speaking test sample answer: Accommodation and House
  67. IELTS Speaking test: Behaviour, Patience and Politeness
  68. IELTS Speaking test: Computers, Internet and Technology
  69. IELTS Speaking test: Friends
  70. IELTS Speaking Test Answers Family
  71. IELTS Speaking sample answers: Hometown
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Lesson 23 of 71
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Describe a difficult decision that you once made

Describe a creative person whose work you admire IELTS Cue Card
Describe a creative person whose work you admire IELTS Cue Card

In this lesson from simply ielts, you will know how to Describe a difficult decision that you once made IELTS Speaking Cue Card part 2 with band 9 answer and part 3 follow up questions.

Describe a difficult decision that you once made IELTS Cue Card

You should say

  • What the decision was?
  • When you made the decision?
  • How long did it take you to make the decision?
  • And explain why it was a difficult decision to make?

Band 9 Model Answer to Describe a difficult decision that you once made IELTS Cue Card

● I think every choice is troublesome in its own specific manner since we acquire something and lose something when we settle on any choice.
● What’s more, in this day and age, I think settling on choices is even more troublesome on account of the expanding number of decisions.
● One of the most urgent and troublesome choices of my life was the point at which I needed to choose which stream to pick during my senior optional instruction.
● I settled on the choice around three years prior subsequent to moving on from secondary school.
● It took me almost one month to settle on the choice.
● I was befuddled on the grounds that I didn’t have the foggiest idea what each stream involved.
● During adolescence, I never had a decent amazing line of work like others.
● Somedays, I needed to turn into a specialist, then, at that point there was a stage I needed to turn into a space traveler.
● There was additionally a period, I needed to turn into an entertainer.
● A portion of my dear companions were taking non-clinical.
● Along these lines, I was likewise apprehensive that on the off chance that I picked another stream, I would lose my companions.
● Each individual I requested counsel gave me an alternate point of view.
● That was additionally a mix-up I made, I asked such a large number of individuals.
● Presently, when I request guidance, I just request a couple from my companions and my folks.
● At last, my folks assisted me with settling on the choice.
● They requested that I require a multi-day test, which tried my inclination for various fields.
● After the test, they disclosed to me that I ought to think about just two things, my hunch and the consequences of the test.
● I ought to disregard every other person’s recommendation and subsequent to settling on the choice, I ought not to lament the choice.
● Eventually, I settled on trade, and I’m truly happy that I settled on that decision.

Speaking Part 3 Follow-Up Questions to Describe a difficult decision that you once made

  1. What choices do individuals for the most part make in their regular routine? We are continually settling on choices in our day to day existence. Individuals settle on choices about little things like what to eat, what to wear, when to accomplish something, and what to watch.

    Our entire life is only the large numbers of choices we require each day.
  2. Which is simpler, settling on a choice without help from anyone else or settling on a choice after a gathering conversation?

    It is certainly simpler to settle on a choice after a gathering conversation since we enjoy the benefit of knowing alternate points of view on the issue.

    In any case, I additionally accept that we ought not to get affected by others and pay attention to our hunch when at long last settling on the choice.
  3. Why are numerous youngsters reluctant to pay attention to their parent’s recommendation?

    I think numerous youngsters feel that their parent’s reasoning may be obsolete for the present time. Additionally, as a general rule, youngsters commonly have an issue paying attention to figures of power.
  4. Why do moderately aged individuals will in general re-think their choice?

    I think re-thinking steers clear old enough. We as a whole will in general re-think our choices when it’s a troublesome choice and when we are not sure with regards to the choice.

    I think the most ideal approach to abstain from re- thinking or reevaluating the choice is to restrict the decisions and talk about it with dear loved ones.

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